You Are Absolutely Worthy of Having Everything You Desire, and Other Affirmations To Love
Sometimes, the hardest person to stand up to is yourself.
The person staring back at you in the mirror, walking in step with you at every hour of the day, whispering thoughts that overlap and drown out the symphony of reality. This person has more power than anyone you know.
Affirmations are helpful tools to use when the hungry wolf inside you needs feeding. There’s the wolf that thrives on doubt, insecurity, shame, resentment, judgment, and criticism. Then, there’s the one that grows and plays and delights in adoration, reassurance, and having a more positive outlook.
It is possible to attain all the juiciest & most amazing things we desire in life, especially when it serves the greater good. So when we focus on what we can control, life becomes that much sweeter and more manageable. But let’s face it: Life is chaos, and the ability to overcome feelings of powerlessness can seem unattainable or even impractical at times.
As the waves come crashing in, here’s what to do: Have an arsenal of affirmations, prayer quotes, reassuring words, whatever you want to call them, at your disposal.
Here are my favorite ones that keep me afloat when I’m drowning (which happens more often than I would like, but hey, Scorpio moon signs ya feel me?)
The present moment is all there is. Past & Future only exist in the mind.
I can embody, harness & cultivate love just the way I am, both sunshine and storm. It is my Divine right.
Everything that happens is for my Highest good.
I am worthy of achieving everything I desire in this world.
Breathing in, I draw upon the infinite supply of the Universe.
Breathing out, I release what weighs me down.
As within, so without. As above, so below.
What I am seeing is a reflection of myself.
I am connected to everything I give my attention to.
Comparison is useless since no one is separate from anything.
The answers are in the pauses.
As long as I have breath, I have opportunity.
I am love itself, the Universe expressing itself through one entity.
Fear is the mind-killer.
I am the ultimate artistic creator of my life.
My community needs me as much as I need it.
So I will it, so it is.
All is well.
These may sound outlandishly odd at first; And let’s be real, to make these more affirming thoughts a part of your mind’s repertoire this must become a conscious practice. When shit hits the fan and your mind begins to take over with less than helpful, intrusive, judgemental, swallowing thoughts, it will take the last bit of strength you have to combat them.
Do it anyway.
If you won’t fight for yourself, you’ve already lost. People can manipulate you into making choices that may not align with your truth. Your environment can become a world you barely recognize. But if you’re able to be your own biggest fan, your loudest and most persistent influence, building a reliable support system for your internal world, you win against all odds. You become the artist, not merely a speck of the painting.
Adopting more serving monologues to play in the mind is just one way to make life more joyful. It’s a tool to use when becoming a more skilled sailor. When the clouds are rolling in and the storm is ahead you can prepare to “heave-to”.
My grandmother used to say, “The only way through it is to do it”. Making positive self-talk a practice requires consistent action, coming back to the new script over and over again. Doing it over and over, rewiring the mind, and using that lovely magic trick of the brain called neuroplasticity, it’s the only way.
We must train ourselves to expand because we have the ability to do so.
It will be an unrelenting challenge to remember the new, more aligned affirmations when you’ve spent your whole life with opposing beliefs. So take it one day at a time, and hopefully by using these pillars you can find some solace.
Using high-vibratonal affirmations simply allows the eyes to see with more clarity, to dream a more lucid dream.
We can be shining bright stars in the dream of this world, together.