Three Day Ayurveda Cleanse for Mind, Body, & Spirit Reset

Akilah Ivy
6 min readJun 8, 2022
image by Healthline

I’ve been studying Ayurveda for the last few years learning more and more about its immeasurable benefits. Even though it’s an ancient practice, it is still being rediscovered as something new in our modern world. To dive in deeper these recent months, I’ve been dissecting a book I was given as a gift: Handbook of Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, An Integrated Practice of Ancient Healing Traditions by Bridgette Shea. What I’ve been learning has enhanced my knowledge of holistic health practices in major ways.

image by Real Happiness

Ayurveda is a health system that is several thousand years old. It is based upon ancient cultural belief systems and the Sankhya philosophy that originates in India. It aligns with other Indian disciplines such as yoga, Vedic astrology, meditation, and Vastu (a traditional Indian guide for architecture similar to feng shui) I’ve always been drawn to slowly incorporating Ayurvedic techniques into my life and learning how to live in alignment with my Dosha. I have to admit though, that this cleanse was one of the most challenging ones I’ve done so far.

The Pre-Cleanse Prep



Akilah Ivy

Traveling nomad & cosmic oracle. Art curator & alchemist. Sharing my experiences in spirituality and liberation through storytelling & personal accounts.